Official iPhone 5 teaser

People are pissing their pants at the moment because the Samsung Galaxy S3 has just overtaken the iPhone 4S in monthly sales for the first time since the S3's release.

Well... duh... No one is going to be buying 4S' at the moment - almost everyone knows that releases are usually annually so people are clearly deliberately holding off.

I welcome a bigger screen too. But I think the Samsung Galaxy screens are just too much. God knows how the S3 fits in people's pockets...

People keep pointing to the fact the new iPhone is coming out, hence iPhone 4s' won't sell as well -- which I don't completely disagree with. But, this is basically the first time any smartphone has outsold the iPhone in the US (since Blackberry sales declined), something people seem to be forgetting. It's not as big news as it could be, but still big news. It could be indicative of a trend here, not just cheap/mid-range Androids are being sold, but a lot of high-end Androids (that cost as much as iPhones) are being sold.
I am still holding for the iphone 10. I can't imagine people buying a phone that cost above $500. Is either the value of doller is decreasing or people clearly are getting richer. It looks like I am the only one who is suffering these days.
People keep pointing to the fact the new iPhone is coming out, hence iPhone 4s' won't sell as well -- which I don't completely disagree with. But, this is basically the first time any smartphone has outsold the iPhone in the US (since Blackberry sales declined), something people seem to be forgetting. It's not as big news as it could be, but still big news. It could be indicative of a trend here, not just cheap/mid-range Androids are being sold, but a lot of high-end Androids (that cost as much as iPhones) are being sold.
I believe it has more to do with the fact people had the iPhone 4 or older and were expecting the iPhone 5 last year. It didn't come out–there were quite a lot of people upset about that–so people who would've bought or upgraded to the newest version of the iPhone decided to hold off until this year when the iPhone 5 would come out.

Putting a brand new phone up against a phone that was released a year ago (and wasn't a big enough reason to upgrade to or purchase if they weren't interested in v4) isn't really a fair comparison. I'd much rather see the sale numbers for the iPhone 5 for the same amount of time the Galaxy S3 has been out and then compare.
I wonder why so many people becomes aggressive when Apple is mentioned. Even if they don't own any Apple-products themselves.
I wonder why so many people becomes aggressive when Apple is mentioned. Even if they don't own any Apple-products themselves.

i do... and i am dissapointed with them all, not one has even come close to living up to the hype apple owners spout...let alone the firm itself
I believe it has more to do with the fact people had the iPhone 4 or older and were expecting the iPhone 5 last year. It didn't come out–there were quite a lot of people upset about that–so people who would've bought or upgraded to the newest version of the iPhone decided to hold off until this year when the iPhone 5 would come out.

I don't disagree that people are holding out for the iPhone 5 (I know a few, and probably would have myself if I didn't develop for the platform), but you can't quantify that.

Putting a brand new phone up against a phone that was released a year ago (and wasn't a big enough reason to upgrade to or purchase if they weren't interested in v4) isn't really a fair comparison. I'd much rather see the sale numbers for the iPhone 5 for the same amount of time the Galaxy S3 has been out and then compare.

You make it sound like the 4S was a dud. It wasn't, at least not in any way you can quantify. Sure some were disappointed it wasn't an iPhone 5, but sales were actually up 21 percent from the previous year. That is, more people bought an iPhone 4S than an iPhone 4 (and 3GS, 3G, etc.). Will the iPhone 5 outsell it's predecessor too (as all new models have done)? Most likely. Will it outsell the Galaxy S3, as well? Possibly. None of that really matters, though.

There's a bigger picture. People actually want high-end smartphones that aren't iPhones, and willing to pay as much. Hard to believe, I know. It could also be indicative of a trend away from a myriad of Android devices as Android customers gravitate towards a smaller number of models.
You should be happy then, since you have started using another product. This seems to be a common reaction from Android-users though; they lash out against iOS products instead of just being happy with their own. I have used iOS for some years now and I'm very happy with it. No need to get negative towards Android or others, they are probably very good products of their own. Win-win situation, eh?
i started with apple & had issues, went to android & think it is no better or worse... just different issues, wish i could have another 5110 sometimes, at least it always worked;)
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