[Nudaii] User Upgrade List [Deleted]


Well-known member
RRWS submitted a new resource:

[RRWS] User Upgrade List - A public list of all users who purchased account upgrades within last 30 days.

I saw this function mentioned earlier and decided to throw it together for my own use, decided to share in case anyone else needed the feature :)

This add-on basically lists the username, upgrade date and avatar of all users who purchased an account upgrade within the last 30 days.

It adds a link under the forum tab to the page :)View attachment 127739

View attachment 127740

For those which wish to include more data you can edit the query here....

Read more about this resource...
i'll have to check tomorrow :) for my own use we didnt list donated amount as some were shy about it etc, but i can loot at adding it into the addon if i get some time free at work :)
Actually that's a good point, on my main board i disabled member tab so hadnt really even thought of it,I 'll move it to members tab in next update
Any chance to make the number of days configurable? Id like to look at implementing user upgrade accounts as a recurring monthly subscription so would be great to list all users currently in that group.
Do you mean to be able to set it to check longer or shorter than 30 days?

if so I can look into adding options for that next week or so, (ATM have a large project at work) or alternatively you can open the model.php and change the number if you want a faster solution

path to the model would be


Thank you so much!

Just curious:

Upload folder has now three folders, with sub-folder,

upload > library > UserUpgradeList > ControllerPublic, Modal, Route
upload > UserUpgradeList > ControllerPublic, Modal, Route
upload > PostLoot > ControllerPublic, Modal, DataWriter, Listener

Is this structure ok, asking because i have installed like 50+ addons and none has directory structure outside the library folder... Please advice.
Why under the forum navigation and not the members navigation?

Because it was more visible under forum tab. Now it is kind of hidden under members navigation. Very rarely anybody goes to members tab. Fails the purpose of encouraging members to donate.

I would request @RRWS to provide an option to show it under forum tab... as i original requested. :) or provide an option. Thank you.
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