XF 2.2 Notifications questions


Well-known member
1. If I watch a forum and get an email at the bottom it says:
If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you may disable emails from this forum or disable all emails.
If I click it the first one, the options are:
Stop notification emails from 'Forum x'
Stop notification emails from all threads

What does option #2 do exactly? I am watching one forum so not sure what this does. Does it disable the email for threads and messages as seen in Preferences? Or remove all watched forums? Or all watched individual threads?

2. My second question is let's say I manually watch a thread or forum. Now, I receive an email alert that has the option to disable all emails (like the above but let's say the link is in the alert that I received a PM). Would removing "all" also remove me from the manually watched content? Or only the auto? So, I receive a PM, I click to disable all emails, but I am manually watching one thread with an email alert. It removes this too?

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"Disable all emails" pretty much disables all emails.

Including "Receive email on conversation" and "Receive site email" from preferences. It also changes the default automatic watch settings so no emails are sent by default for newly created content (just alerts).

It also changes your existing watched content to no longer send emails. This applies to all watched content including resources, media, and from add-ons that have added the required code to support that process.

We make no distinction between content that is automatically watched and manually watched so they are treated the same.
Thanks I get that now. But what about this one from a forum I am watching? If I click to disable the forum (not the ALL link) I still get choices.

Stop notification emails from 'Forum x'
Stop notification emails from all threads

It's not as clear to me. The first option will stop the watched forum. But will the bold one remove all watched forums, or, all thread notifications, as in, the ones set in Preferences so the content you create etc? A thread is a thread so I don't know if this entails all.
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Stop all threads is the same as stop all emails but just threads.

I should have added that stop all emails also stops email notifications for forums too.

Stop emails from this forum stops email notifications from the current forum. It only affects the forum watch record. If you are watching individual threads in that forum then you won’t necessarily stop receiving email notifications for those threads.
So "all threads" includes both these settings, and it unchecks them and removes from all you are currently watching correct? Because "interact" is a thread as well.

Automatically watch content you create…
and receive email notifications
Automatically watch content you interact with…
and receive email notifications

But by clicking that then, it also removes from "content" like MG and RM, even though they are not threads?
Let me try and clarify:

"Stop all emails from X" (the entire site):
  • Disables all automatically watch content settings
  • Disables "Receive site news" setting
  • Disables "Email on conversation" setting
  • Disables "Receive activity summary" setting
  • Disables emails for all existing watched content across all types
"Stop notification emails from all threads":
  • Disables all emails for all existing watched threads and forums
"Stop notification emails from 'Y'" (a forum)
  • Disables all emails for that watched forum (individually watched threads in that forum are unaffected)
"Stop notification emails from 'Z'" (a thread)
  • Disables all emails for that watched thread only

In all cases where watched content is affected, the content is still watched (so they may still receive alerts on the forum and push notifications) but no further emails will be sent.

Hopefully that makes sense.
Last question.

Okay so a user has the setting to automatically watch threads created and participating in with email. Now, he receives the email alert. He clicks to be removed from all thread notifications. This removes the emails, not the online Watch status, but will he receive email alerts for future posts? So it unchecks the "email" setting in Preferences?

AND when he removes himself from all threads in an email that was from a thread he participated in, it will also remove the emails from those he previously created correct?

That should clear it up for me thx!
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Last question.

Okay so a user has the setting to automatically watch threads created and participating in with email. Now, he receives the email alert. He clicks to be removed from all thread notifications. This removes the emails, not the online Watch status, but will he receive email alerts for future posts? So it unchecks the "email" setting in Preferences?

AND when he removes himself from all threads in an email that was from a thread he participated in, it will also remove the emails from those he previously created correct?

That should clear it up for me thx!
So I tried to test this myself please let me know if I got it right.

When I received an email and clicked the disable from thread link I was brought to a page that asked me if I wanted to remove from this thread or all. I clicked all. I then went to Preferences and this was still checked; "and receive email notifications." So I assume, if I create a new thread or participate in one, I WILL get another email. Until I remove that check mark from Preferences this will happen. Correct?

And for part 2, I assume, when I disable emails for all threads via an email, it is disabling the current emails being sent for thread creation or participation, it does not matter which you received, all = all.

I hope I finally get it. :)
So I tried to test this myself please let me know if I got it right.

When I received an email and clicked the disable from thread link I was brought to a page that asked me if I wanted to remove from this thread or all. I clicked all. I then went to Preferences and this was still checked; "and receive email notifications." So I assume, if I create a new thread or participate in one, I WILL get another email. Until I remove that check mark from Preferences this will happen. Correct?

And for part 2, I assume, when I disable emails for all threads via an email, it is disabling the current emails being sent for thread creation or participation, it does not matter which you received, all = all.

I hope I finally get it. :)

Well, did you finally get it? Care to share? 🤣

Trying to document this for our members is incredibly difficult when it's hard for us admins to understand ourselves!
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