Notice only on xenPorta page, what's the tab ID?


New member
I can't for the life of me figure our how to have notice's only appear on my portal page (xenporta). I don't know what ID to put in for the page specific option.

Sorry if this is a newb question, I am new to xenForo and trying to get used to how it all works.

Thanks in advance!
Try (in the page criteria)
Set 'Controller Action is' EWRporta_ControllerPublic_Portal::Index
Where the red text goes in the Controller Name and the blue text goes in Controller Action. This works for Chris's Notifications (thanks to some help from Chris), so it should also work for the built in one Notification also.
Try (in the page criteria)
Set 'Controller Action is' EWRporta_ControllerPublic_Portal::Index
Where the red text goes in the Controller Name and the blue text goes in Controller Action. This works for Chris's Notifications (thanks to some help from Chris), so it should also work for the built in one Notification also.

That worked! Thank you very much for the help, I would have never figured that was what I had to do.
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