XF 1.2 Normal?


Well-known member
So, I go on my daily spam clean up, right?

I try to ban the user, only to find out that the "ban" button was removed from the actual user profile in ACP.

Is this normal for 1.2 and up?

The only two ways that they're banned and shows up in the ban-list, is from the membercard, and allocating the user to a "banned" user group?

This would be the first time I'm using 1.2, so I'm sorry for being behind, lol. :oops:
The Spam Cleaner criteria are completely configurable.
The Spam Cleaner is not related to banning though.

The Ban link is in the top right of the profile page, along with all the other links.

@Martok mentioned where it is in the ACP profile: under the user actions menu at the top.

And if you're setting the user group to banned manually all the time, you should just enable the option to do that ("Add User Group on Ban").
I see, I see. :D

Where do I find this? Is this tied to Spam Cleaner? I don't want this to be tied to Spam Cleaner.
ACP > Options > User Discouragement and Discipline

If you don't know where something is, try the Search at the top right of the ACP. It's very good indeed. I had no idea where this option was but using the search took me right to it. :)
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