XF 2.1 Nodes png icons


Well-known member
Hello. I would like to ask how I can change nodes icons with png icons ? Or if there are any addon which can do this Thanks.
Thanks, but I want for each node to have different png icon. Not for all the same icons. Would this be possible?
Ah, okay. You want something like this:


It can be done is CSS. You need to put the code below in extra.less:


.node--id2 i {background: url(https://i.imgur.com/GiPCGAJ.png)no-repeat center;}

.node--id3 i {background: url(https://i.imgur.com/BuxWZ1Y.png)no-repeat center;}
.node--id6 i{background: url(https://i.imgur.com/a1sqk5J.png)no-repeat center;}

.node--id10 i{background: url(https://i.imgur.com/vCaelJz.png)no-repeat center;}   
Ah, okay. You want something like this:


It can be done is CSS. You need to put the code below in extra.less:


.node--id2 i {background: url(https://i.imgur.com/GiPCGAJ.png)no-repeat center;}

.node--id3 i {background: url(https://i.imgur.com/BuxWZ1Y.png)no-repeat center;}
.node--id6 i{background: url(https://i.imgur.com/a1sqk5J.png)no-repeat center;}

.node--id10 i{background: url(https://i.imgur.com/vCaelJz.png)no-repeat center;}  

Alright, so it can be done with CSS code? Would this be responsible on phone too?
If you add below code to extra.less your unread nodes icon will seen %50 opacity. I think this is better than totally different icon.

/* Node Forum Icon Use - Start */
.node--unread .node-icon {
opacity: 50%;
/* Node Forum Icon Use - End */

So what’s the entire code should I use for read and unread png icons to replace each node individually ? Thanks 😊
If you follow my posts. You can change node icon for each node. And with last extra.less code you can set %50 opacity of read nodes.

open the node_list_forum template

Find below code.

<span class="node-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i></i></span>

Replace this code with follows.

<span class="node-icon" aria-hidden="true">
<img class="cticnbrdr" src="/styles/default/xenforo/icon/{$node.node_id}.png" alt="{$node.title}" />

Icon location: /styles/default/xenforo/icon/ this is icon location in FTP, you replace it with your own.
Icon name: Icon name should match with node id. That's mean your icon name for node id 5 should be 5.png

if you upload icon to ftp as named;
for example
node id 1 --> 1.png
node id 2 --> 2.png
node id 3 --> 3.png
node id 4 --> 4.png

your node icon change automatically. and if you add below code to extra.less, node icon will seen %50 opacity if there is no new posts in forum.

/* Node Forum Icon Use - Start */
.node--read .node-icon {
opacity: 50%;
/* Node Forum Icon Use - End */
If you follow my posts. You can change node icon for each node. And with last extra.less code you can set %50 opacity of read nodes.

open the node_list_forum template

Find below code.

<span class="node-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i></i></span>

Replace this code with follows.

<span class="node-icon" aria-hidden="true">
<img class="cticnbrdr" src="/styles/default/xenforo/icon/{$node.node_id}.png" alt="{$node.title}" />

Icon location: /styles/default/xenforo/icon/ this is icon location in FTP, you replace it with your own.
Icon name: Icon name should match with node id. That's mean your icon name for node id 5 should be 5.png

if you upload icon to ftp as named;
for example
node id 1 --> 1.png
node id 2 --> 2.png
node id 3 --> 3.png
node id 4 --> 4.png

your node icon change automatically. and if you add below code to extra.less, node icon will seen %50 opacity if there is no new posts in forum.

/* Node Forum Icon Use - Start */
.node--read .node-icon {
opacity: 50%;
/* Node Forum Icon Use - End */

Then I need to add this to each node separately?

<span class="node-icon" aria-hidden="true">
<img class="cticnbrdr" src="/styles/default/xenforo/icon/{$node.node_id}.png" alt="{$node.title}" />
Then I need to add this to each node separately?

<span class="node-icon" aria-hidden="true">
<img class="cticnbrdr" src="/styles/default/xenforo/icon/{$node.node_id}.png" alt="{$node.title}" />


<span class="node-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i></i></span>

Find above code in node_list_forum template and replace it with below code.

<span class="node-icon" aria-hidden="true">
<img class="cticnbrdr" src="/styles/default/xenforo/icon/{$node.node_id}.png" alt="{$node.title}" />

Save this template.

Upload your icons to defined folder by you.

<span class="node-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i></i></span>

Find above code in node_list_forum template and replace it with below code.

<span class="node-icon" aria-hidden="true">
<img class="cticnbrdr" src="/styles/default/xenforo/icon/{$node.node_id}.png" alt="{$node.title}" />

Save this template.

Upload your icons to defined folder by you.

Alright , let me try this and I will get back to you again. Thanks for your help.

<span class="node-icon" aria-hidden="true"><i></i></span>

Find above code in node_list_forum template and replace it with below code.

<span class="node-icon" aria-hidden="true">
<img class="cticnbrdr" src="/styles/default/xenforo/icon/{$node.node_id}.png" alt="{$node.title}" />

Save this template.

Upload your icons to defined folder by you.

This does not work, messed up my whole forum.
Ah, okay. You want something like this:


It can be done is CSS. You need to put the code below in extra.less:


.node--id2 i {background: url(https://i.imgur.com/GiPCGAJ.png)no-repeat center;}

.node--id3 i {background: url(https://i.imgur.com/BuxWZ1Y.png)no-repeat center;}
.node--id6 i{background: url(https://i.imgur.com/a1sqk5J.png)no-repeat center;}

.node--id10 i{background: url(https://i.imgur.com/vCaelJz.png)no-repeat center;}  

This doesn't work either . It's not even display on forum.
.m-nodeImgIcons(@node-id; @unreadImage; @readImage: false; @height: 40px; @width: 40px) {
    .node--id@{node-id} {
        .node-icon i {
            &:before {
                content: none;

            .node--read& {
                & when (@readImage = false) {
                    -webkit-filter: grayscale(100%);
                    filter: grayscale(100%);

            .node--category& {
                & when (isurl(@unreadImage)) {
                    background: @unreadImage no-repeat;
                & when (ispixel(@height)), (ispixel(@width)) {
                    height: @height;
                    width: @width;

                .node--read& when (isurl(@readImage)) {
                    background: @readImage no-repeat;

            .node--page& {
                & when (isurl(@unreadImage)) {
                    background: @unreadImage no-repeat;
                & when (ispixel(@height)), (ispixel(@width)) {
                    height: @height;
                    width: @width;

            .node--link& {
                & when (isurl(@unreadImage)) {
                    background: @unreadImage no-repeat;
                & when (ispixel(@height)), (ispixel(@width)) {
                    height: @height;
                    width: @width;

.m-nodeImgIcons(2; url("styles/xenforo/forum_new.png"); url("styles/xenforo/forum_old.png"); 42px; 42px);
.m-nodeImgIcons(3; url("styles/xenforo/forum_new.png"); false; 42px; 42px);
.m-nodeImgIcons(4; url("styles/xenforo/forum_new.png"); false; 42px; 42px);
.m-nodeImgIcons(5; url("styles/xenforo/forum_new.png"); false; 42px; 42px);
.m-nodeImgIcons(@node-id; @unreadImage; @readImage: false; @height: 40px; @width: 40px) {
    .node--id@{node-id} {
        .node-icon i {
            &:before {
                content: none;

            .node--read& {
                & when (@readImage = false) {
                    -webkit-filter: grayscale(100%);
                    filter: grayscale(100%);

            .node--category& {
                & when (isurl(@unreadImage)) {
                    background: @unreadImage no-repeat;
                & when (ispixel(@height)), (ispixel(@width)) {
                    height: @height;
                    width: @width;

                .node--read& when (isurl(@readImage)) {
                    background: @readImage no-repeat;

            .node--page& {
                & when (isurl(@unreadImage)) {
                    background: @unreadImage no-repeat;
                & when (ispixel(@height)), (ispixel(@width)) {
                    height: @height;
                    width: @width;

            .node--link& {
                & when (isurl(@unreadImage)) {
                    background: @unreadImage no-repeat;
                & when (ispixel(@height)), (ispixel(@width)) {
                    height: @height;
                    width: @width;

.m-nodeImgIcons(2; url("styles/xenforo/forum_new.png"); url("styles/xenforo/forum_old.png"); 42px; 42px);
.m-nodeImgIcons(3; url("styles/xenforo/forum_new.png"); false; 42px; 42px);
.m-nodeImgIcons(4; url("styles/xenforo/forum_new.png"); false; 42px; 42px);
.m-nodeImgIcons(5; url("styles/xenforo/forum_new.png"); false; 42px; 42px);

Is this will work with TH nodes addon ?
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