XF 1.3 Node icon [Solve]

i got this problem, I what to remove the blue square and leave the other one only

ok here http://tibiax.org/ you see two icons when you have a new post i just what to delete the blue square

The following seems to be the cause inheriting the blue background.

#userBar .navTabs .navTab.Popup.PopupContainerControl.PopupOpen, #userBar .navTabs .navTab.selected.PopupOpen .navLink, .resourceListItem .resourceImage .resourceIcon img, .resourceInfo .resourceImage .resourceIcon, #searchBar.hasSearchButton #QuickSearch .primaryControls .fa-search, .resourceListItem .resourceImage .resourceIcon img, .avatar img, .avatar .img, .avatarCropper, .heading, .xenForm .formHeader, .Popup .PopupControl.PopupOpen, .Popup.PopupContainerControl.PopupOpen, .navTabs .navTab.Popup.PopupContainerControl.PopupOpen, .dataTable caption, .button.primary, .navTabs .navTab.selected.PopupOpen .navLink, a.callToAction span, .node .forumNodeInfo.unread .nodeIcon, .node .categoryForumNodeInfo.unread .nodeIcon, .avatarScaler img, .xenOverlay .formOverlay .avatar img, .xenOverlay .formOverlay .avatar .img, .xenOverlay .formOverlay .avatarCropper {
background-color: #3498db;

Remove the above and replace it with the following

#userBar .navTabs .navTab.Popup.PopupContainerControl.PopupOpen,
#userBar .navTabs .navTab.selected.PopupOpen .navLink, .resourceListItem .resourceImage .resourceIcon img,
.resourceInfo .resourceImage .resourceIcon, #searchBar.hasSearchButton #QuickSearch .primaryControls .fa-search,
.resourceListItem .resourceImage .resourceIcon img, .avatar img, .avatar .img,
.avatarCropper, .heading, .xenForm .formHeader, .Popup .PopupControl.PopupOpen,
.Popup.PopupContainerControl.PopupOpen, .navTabs .navTab.Popup.PopupContainerControl.PopupOpen, .dataTable caption,
.button.primary, .navTabs .navTab.selected.PopupOpen .navLink, a.callToAction span,
.node .categoryForumNodeInfo.unread .nodeIcon, .avatarScaler img,
.xenOverlay .formOverlay .avatar img, .xenOverlay .formOverlay .avatar .img, .xenOverlay .formOverlay .avatarCropper {
background-color: #3498db;}
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