Thank you Lukas.
But all information is still there, there is no need to retrieve anything. (When you see a
thread you have $forum, $thread and all $posts)
dump($forum) in
thread_view shows $forum
thread_view calls
post_macros with args ($thread and $post)
Everything i have to do is to
extend the call with the arg $forum in
and to fetch and use the data in
The answer for #1 is in #2.
I guess to understand what you mean with relations; i have used the
relations yesterday the first time in another add-on,
where i had to fetch RMItem to rows in my own table. It had big problems till i have changed the name of my own_table.primary to resource_id.
So i guess, that the name needs to be the same every time, while i was not able to say LEFT JOIN ON (own.primary=rm.resource_id) it is easy to use with (own.resource_id=rm.resource_id).
After understanding that
relation_name.field could be used for the
->where everything was easy.