XF 2.1 No thread merge tool?

Max Taxable

Well-known member
I took quite a bit of time looking around, and being relatively new to xenForo maybe it was asked long ago but.... I see no option at all to merge threads for the admin, when he/she manages threads. It's kind of a curious omission and I'm wondering what the logic is, behind leaving it out. Being able to merge threads which share pretty much the same topic seems pretty basic. Am I missing something?
I need to comment on this because it was not intuitive at all. I'm finding most of XF to be very intuitive, but this threw me for a loop.

I could not find how to merge so I searched here.
Even after reading this, I could not figure it out.

The two threads were not in the same forum and one was old, one was new. So I could not simply check them off in the forum list. I had no idea what page one was on, I brought it up by searching. I checked the first post of each thread for moderation and merge did not appear (one thread was only one post so I thought I could "move" it to the other). I finally found, I had to check moderation in the dropdown menu on both (to mark them as threads not posts for moderation) for merge to appear.

I wish this was easier. We will definitely have to instruct our mods, but it's nice when mod tools are foolproof.
Man, I forgot again, was trying to merge and forgot you have to "move" posts. And you have to start in the old one to use the original title or it uses the newer one. So awkward.

I wish the thread tools menu when in a thread had a merge option. Click "Merge" enter the URL, uses original title (or selection).
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