Not a bug No recipient field in conversation


Active member
Affected version
I don't see any "to" field when starting a new conversation from scratch. I just see "You may enter multiple names here."

Screenshot 2024-08-24 at 9.34.56 AM.webp
Even with add-ons disabled and a default style? What browser? Are there any errors in the browser console?
I'm seeing now that I have some of my 2.3.2 sites that aren't having this issue and others that are. All of the same addons/versions so comparing anything else that might be different. I've tried several browsers and devices - chrome, safari, mac, ios, etc.. to no avail.

Here is the browser console error...

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')
at window.XF.HScroller.updateScroll (defer.min.js?_v=c9d74d96:35:19)
at b.init (core-compiled.js?_v=c9d74d96:266:343)
at c (core-compiled.js?_v=c9d74d96:192:444)
at b (core-compiled.js?_v=c9d74d96:193:141)
at NodeList.forEach (<anonymous>)
at Object.initialize (core-compiled.js?_v=c9d74d96:194:205)
at Object.activate (core-compiled.js?_v=c9d74d96:44:193)
at onPageLoad (core-compiled.js?_v=c9d74d96:19:412)Understand this error
add:661 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'on')
at add:661:23Understand this error
This was a style installation issue. We also found that cloudflare caching the javascript can cause the same issue on one or two of our XF installations. We turned that off and it worked again. Strange.
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