XF 2.3 No Folder for the API

Good evening, I have a problem with my API, after creating an API key the folder still does not appear in the main directory of the forum. in the folder of src/config.php it is also not deactivated. Forum is also already reinstalled.

Except my DB the following is in the config.php:

$config['fullUnicode'] = true;
$config['searchInnoDb'] = true;

In German:

Guten abend, Ich habe ein Problem mit meiner API, Nach erstellen eines API keys kommt der Ordner noch nicht im Hauptverzeichens vom Forum. im Ordner der src/config.php ist es auch nicht deaktivert. Forum ist auch bereits neuinstalliert.

Außer meine DB steht folgendes inder config.php drinne:

$config['fullUnicode'] = true;
$config['searchInnoDb'] = true;
You can't just use it like that.

You need to set up a key and use a valid GET request to retrieve data, using something like Postman, cURL, etc.

okay thanks, it actually works but I can't get any queries.

I had already informed myself differently but only get a message

"errors": [
"code": "api_key_not_found",
"message": "API key provided in request was not found.",
"params": []
I don't understand how I can solve it either
You need to include the API key in the request.

curl --header "XF-Api-Key: 123abc456def" --header "XF-Api-User: 1" --request GET "http://localhost/api/users/1/"
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