Nice to get back to XF1 after being on XF2

I said this before when the mockups were released. And i say this with respect. The XF2 style is not good. Modern styles are responsive and at the same time breathtaking. Take a look at some of the modern WP themes out there. Anyways, as a developer it really doesn't matter to me. I can fix the font, change paddings, re-arrange stuff. And for most everyday xenforo admins, there surely will be countless custom themes to choose from.

And the underlying code is indeed breathtaking! (from what I have read so far). (y)
+ I like the sound of the page widgets,
+ and the navigation bar editor.

Those are long overdue and good they've arrived.
+ Glad the underlying system has been overhauled to make life easier for devs but see note on documentation below.

~ I want a strong commitment to documentation so developers are encouraged to work with XF, and XF nurtures a training environment for new devs - and clients don't have to pay for early stages' study time.
~ I want to see a Pages WYSWYG editor option like a forum post - for fast updates of small things like dates, fees etc.

~ Not a fan of the new look. One of the big attractions of XF was always that it didn't look like the blah corporation office style, but XF2 is now like an office building. XF1 was welcoming and personal. Barebones empty fits mobiles so desktops/ laptops' needs are being pushed aside. It's being quoted that mobile traffic can be as high as 60% or 70%. Fine, but 30% or 40% is not a small proportion so those needs should be considered. No sensible business ignores 30-40% of its customer base - and the older, loyal base with it.
I know it's been said that the basic look can be styled but I'm concerned that the main XF site will now send a very different message from before. It originally gained much traction from its human/ humane, community personality compared to the VB corporation commercial alternative. With Kier a lot less involved nowadays that personal, user centred experience has gone. Shame but maybe a compromise solution?
A Traditional skin option the user can toggle - XF has always had a skin toggle if admins enable it, but it doesn't get demonstrated on the main XF site. This would be a good opportunity fitting well with a major new stage of XF. Chris thought this would be a lot of work, but many posts including his, have stressed that recovering rounded corners, adding in widgets and sidebars, would be easy. Can't have it both ways!
I think a Traditional skin option would be a great continuity component, would hold the older client base, cater to the 30-40%, demonstrate the skin toggle, and sustain the personal USP of XF.
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