Fixed News Feed Item for Media Insert displays incorrectly


After updating from v1 to 1.0.2 (I skipped the important security update release), my news feed items for Media Inserts don't show the album they were added to.
xfmg-err.webp xfmg-err2.webp
Upon further inspection, I noted that the template news_feed_item_xengallery_media_insert had the following (first) line removed from the earlier version of XFMG

<xen:set var="$containerType">{xen:if '{$content.album_id} > 0', album, category}</xen:set>

Restoring that line to the start of the template restored my news feed items to their correct display.
xfmg-err3.webp xfmg-err4.webp

I don't see the problem replicated here at XenForo itself, so I'm not sure if this is an issue that I've somehow inflicted upon myself, or if it was already corrected here, or if the latest version isn't running here.
I think you may have had an outdated template.

We did make a change in XFMG 1.0.2, which it appears didn't take effect for you, for some reason.

If you revert the template, does that make it work now as expected?

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