New Thread Creation - No Editor/input box


Well-known member
Hidely Hodely!

I have an issue at a site, whereby if I click Create New Thread, the Editor/Input box doesn't load with the rest of the form.

I understand others on this site are NOT having the same issue, but any help to fix it for me would be appreciated.



I just went to check again using FF/Vista and FF/Win 7 but the test account Kim created has been deleted.

Edit: No problem Peggy. If it seems to be working then it was most likely browser related.
I just went to check again using FF/Vista and FF/Win 7 but the test account Kim created has been deleted.

Edit: No problem Peggy. If it seems to be working then it was most likely browser related.
I deleted everything to do a clean install.
Bottom line is I have two issues.
One is a JS problem with FF and another that the domain doesn't load at all with FF and Safari on my computer, but it does on another computer on my same home network.
Time will tell.
I deleted everything to do a clean install.
Bottom line is I have two issues.
One is a JS problem with FF and another that the domain doesn't load at all with FF and Safari on my computer, but it does on another computer on my same home network.
Time will tell.
That is just weird.
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