XF 2.1 New Posts Widget - with some text of post

Sean Engle

You probably get this one frequently, but I could not find it by searching: We migrated over from vB4.25, and we had new posts side bar on our front page - that had the latest posts - with a small amount of text from each of them. It seems like the new posts widget in xF has only the meta data behind the post and not the text itself. Our users liked that, and they're asking for it now...

I see the 'Recent Posts 2 by Siropu' add-on out there, which does just this - but I would prefer to do it in the xF app if possible as I am also running UBS, Media and Resources and want to keep it simple as much as possible.

So, is there a way within xF to add/modify that widget so it provides some of the text from the recent posts - not just it's wrapper?

Maybe this resource will help:
I am looking for exactly the same. We are migrating from vB4.2.5 and have the same request. Our members would like to see the first few lines of the new post to see if they are interested to open it.
This is what the New Posts looks like on vB, how can I modify the XF2 widget to appear similar please?

Screen Shot 2020-02-28 at 17.46.23.png
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