new/posts hidden from guest?


New member
hi xenforo staff and user!

i am using the xenforo demo to try learn your platform. but i have issue, i want to hide certain links from guests and only keep accessible to user with benefit.

when i log out i see "RECENT POSTS" that say find-new/posts. can anyone tell me how to remove that from guest? because it is unusable to guest with my setting.
it seem to bea sub-menu from forum tab or icon, but am not sure. but when i put mouse over it, link say find new posts.

i want forum to be quickly ready and modified once i purchase license and want to know how to do everything!!

thank you team xenforo
The permissions system can be used to prevent guests, registered members, specific users or user groups from accessing all content, or content in specific forums.

There is no need to remove links or menus if the permissions are set up correctly.

If you do wish to still remove links, etc., instructions will be provided once you have purchased a license.
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