New Guitar Forum

Finally passed the 1000 post mark (also 200 threads) tonight - just a few days shy of six months since starting the forum! :D I know it's nothing especially good in terms of post numbers versus time but I'm all for quality over quantity and I love where the community is at so far! :) I'll take 1000 quality posts over 10000 posts that don't really add any value to the community any day. (y)

P.S. Still loving Xenforo after six months! :D
Why not integrate Wordpress and Xenforo ? [login integration] [style integration]

or if that seems like a bit much and you don't want to login integrate ... how about styling Wordpress to look like Xenforo ?

Login Integration would be a bit much but style integration sounds like a plan for after exams finish on the 14th - I haven't even upgraded from the RC to 1.1 Gold yet 'cause I'm so busy :(

Thanks for the advice! :)
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