XF 1.1 Need help with latest post positioning


Active member
I created a fixed header on my forum so when you scroll down the page, it goes underneath the fixed header. The problem I have is when I go to a latest post, it of course snaps to the top of the browser window and my fixed header is blocking the top part of the latest post.

Where can I find the code where I could possibly push it down? Or is it possible at all?

It might be best if you provide a link to your forum, specifically the style so whomever pops into this thread has a higher chance of debugging the issue you have.
Ok so when I click on the link either on the homepage or from the list of latest posts:

It takes me to the most recent post, but the problem is that it goes to the top of the browser window. But I have a fixed header, so it cuts off part of the latest post:


I need to figure out a way to make the latest post go down a bit. I know that if there was a class added to the latest post link, I can offset the margin using CSS. Is there a way I can do this somewhere in Xenforo?
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