XF 1.2 Need help improving my boards speed. Its loading way to slow.

oO5 Dynasty

Well-known member
So im a be Totally honest, i have no idea on how to fix my boards loading speed. So im asking for somebody to help me speed it up.
I heard about optimizing it, and i also read about possibly contacting my web host about the speed of the server my board is on. Also i heard my web host has to speed up my Mysql
then i also read im suppose to get one of these two things apc and memcached which will help.
all of this random information is not helping, so i def need somebody who is skilled at this to please give me alittle insight. Please and thank you www.oo5dynasty.com/community/upload
If you're on a shared server, you can really only contact your host. You won't have any control over what's going on with the server. (If you're on a VPS or dedicated server, there's a lot more than can be done, but given that you're saying you're not comfortable with server management, you may be best getting someone in.)

The only real thing you can do within XF is disable all of your add-ons to confirm they're not interfering.
If you're on a shared server, you can really only contact your host. You won't have any control over what's going on with the server. (If you're on a VPS or dedicated server, there's a lot more than can be done, but given that you're saying you're not comfortable with server management, you may be best getting someone in.)

The only real thing you can do within XF is disable all of your add-ons to confirm they're not interfering.

Thank you for the information, i contacted my host and they did something to make my board load faster. Im good now
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