XF 2.2 Mysqldump errors


Well-known member
I have a script that runs nightly to backup the DB. Starting last night, it is generating this error:

mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table `user`': SHOW VIEW command denied to user 'xxxxxx'@'localhost' for table 'user' (1142)

I ran a dump manually this morning and got the same.

my.cnf has the following:
But the mariadb folder only has mariadb.log.rpmsave file in it.

Any ideas?
You need to ensure the user associated with the database has full permissions.

If it was working recently and has changed without you doing anything, then something has changed on the server.
You need to ensure the user associated with the database has full permissions.

If it was working recently and has changed without you doing anything, then something has changed on the server.
Agreed on all counts. Nothing should have changed on the server in the last few weeks.
Also, the script appears to complete successfully, and the resulting sql file is roughly the same size as the others, I'm just getting the error. My guess is that it faults out on the user table alone and moves on. That table likely doesn't represent a significant percentage of the db, so it makes sense that it could be the only thing missing.
Hmm... bit more digging, and neither the XF database nor any of the other DBs on the server has a "user" table (not xf_user). I overlooked that the first time through. If I understand correctly, the mysql user table is mysql.user, and none of that is supposed to be backed up, anyway.

Manually running mysqldump with -v doesn't generate any errors.
I misread it as xf_user but yes, that is the table which contains the records of the mysql users and their privileges.

You would have to inspect the script to determine why it's trying to access that table - it shouldn't be involved in a standard dump of XF.
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