Mybb 1.6.10 to Xenforo


ok guys/gals, If this has been asked before please excuse my arrogance, I have a forum with over 4,228 posts in 542 threads.

My question is does this forum come with a converter from Mybb to Xenforo and how easy is it. I.E will i need to convert to other platforms before this forum ect ect
Just to note there was nothing wrong with the plan I had - it was my disc and memory that was causing the issues - basically I am changing to a new host (which I have been meaning to do for a while anyway) and then I should easily be able to complete the import.

From what I see the conversion process is very easy. I'll post again once I have managed to do it properly and let you know the steps I followed.

@Tracy Perry - the reason why I did that is that my testsite is under a completely separate area, under its own cPanel account. I wasn't sure if it would work like that so I just put the file there and will delete after. When I do actually go live though, then it will be a different matter.
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