My host has stopped access to my XF due to CPU execution overload

Just to let you all know that last night I paid to upgrade my forum to one of the Cloud" plans.
It only took them 4 hours and the forum is going well now.
It gives me some breathing space to see if I have been taken for a ride, and what steps I can take on my database etc.
Thanks very much for all of your replies.
It was a very stressful night for me, as I have 1,000 members on my forum now.
I've kind of been watching his forum's number of posts per hour, and on a forum that's a little over 2 months old.
Wondering if he might be on to something.
If it keeps on building, I'm thinking he's going to be on a VPS before very long.
I recommend Host Rush. This is my 3rd year hosting with them and my site has not gone down a single time during the entire 3 years except one time when it was my own fault. You don't have to pay a lot of money to have a good host, you just need to find one reliable. Currently I'm sitting at 8 gb ram and 4 cores pure SSD and I only pay a little under $80/year off a deal I found on web hosting talk. Though their ordinary plans are still affordable as well.
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