XF 2.1 Multiple $finder->fetch vs raw query


Well-known member

Is there any performance difference between the following two?

Objective: Get all records of the latest date

$db = \XF::db();
$results = $db->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE my_date IN (SELECT max(my_date) FROM my_table)");

$max_date = $finder->order('my_date', 'DESC')->limit(1)->pluckFrom('my_date')->fetch();
$results = $finder->where('my_date', $max_date)->fetch();
Yes, you're performing one database query versus two. The performance difference is negligible, but does exist. The bigger difference however is, that one will give you an array, where the other one will give you an ArrayCollection with entities. If you want to condense it into one query and have an ArrayCollection, you can use the following (untested) snippet:

\XF::finder('My:Finder')->whereSql('my_date = (SELECT MAX(my_date) FROM my_table')->fetch();
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