Multiple Account Detection


Well-known member
Upvote 70
Not sure how well this suggestion will stack up against EU laws, hence I disagree. IP address, ok, special cookie without the user's consent and/or knowledge, no thanks.

They've signed your cookie agreement that says they accept the cookies you use that are required for your site/security to function.

What exactly do you think the issue is?
They've signed your cookie agreement that says they accept the cookies you use that are required for your site/security to function.

What exactly do you think the issue is?
I see that in the XenForo admin panel, there is an option to enable a cookie notice. I'm surprised it isn't enabled by default. :confused:
Because it's a ridiculous law that doesn't apply to most website owners/publishers outside the EU.
But a lot of American website owners put up a cookie notice on their sites anyway and have it so it only shows if you are outside the EU, (I've tried visiting such sites with an American, Canadian etc proxy, and the cookie message never appears).
A few notes related to the request for this. We need:
  • infinite cookies (the current addon expires after a year)
  • the ability to whitelist specific user pair combinations so they don't fire the detector again
  • threads created in a specific forum giving information about all the users found
A few notes related to the request for this. We need:
  • infinite cookies (the current addon expires after a year)
  • the ability to whitelist specific user pair combinations so they don't fire the detector again
  • threads created in a specific forum giving information about all the users found

If it did all that, it would be divine!
Request an option to notification current user about their multiple account and add an report to moderators or put new account to user moderation queue.
I would like to reinforce what @Stuart Wright said above. This add-on is too limited at present for two major reasons.
I installed this on 1.4.1 and tested it with other members and it did not trigger anything

I had this installed and while it worked it also threw errors
Works perfectly for me and every "test" trigger has been successful and it's catching real duplicate users as well.
Add-ons should be discussed in their respective add-on resource/topic discussions. This forum and topic is for suggestions/requests for functionality within core Xenforo.
@Mouth has it correct.

Posting links to relevant add-ons is fine but any further discussion related to existing add-ons should be directed to the relevant thread(s).
I want to put "Like all websites, this one uses cookies. We are required to notify you of this fact. This site also uses HTML and punctuation, but there is no law requiring us to notify you of that. I should stop talking now."
Why not also include what you think about the EU? ;) I, personally wouldn't put any notification whatsoever, but if I did, I would include what I think about the EU, saying that the EU is run by cheese <insert bad language word here>. :D

This should be a core feature as it is the simplest way to detect sock puppets, and sock puppets are one of the most common issues affecting free forums across the internet (second only to spam).

This would easily catch most casual sock puppets, and even if an experienced user knows to clear their cookies before using their sock puppets, they only need to forget once in order for this to trigger, and that would be enough to immediately ban all their accounts.
Have the newer or upcoming versions added to the core any feature which makes it easier to detect multiple accounts? I'm only aware of the ability to see list of users who have used the same IP.
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