MP3 BBcode

MP3 BBcode 1.0.1

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Playlist functionality is currently not possible with wpaudio player.
I'm not sure of any 3rd party mp3 upload sites. I upload my mp3s to my own server. You might do the same and/or use google search ;)
It seems it is: ; see the "To load multiple files" section

Now, to be honest, I'm not sure this flash plugin is the best to use today (with html5). This solution seems to be better:
The only advantage of the flash plugin that I see is that allows color customization. It's still possible to create an option to use both
1) FLASH (=> if mobile device, then use HTML5+html5media)
2) HTML5 for all + html5media js

Now, I don't need this addon on my websites, so if I do it, it will be a paid addon. But if you only need a basic mp3 addon, just add the js of to your header, create a basic bbcode with some options, it will be far enough good in my opinion.
It seems it is: ; see the "To load multiple files" section

Now, to be honest, I'm not sure this flash plugin is the best to use today (with html5). This solution seems to be better:
The only advantage of the flash plugin that I see is that allows color customization. It's still possible to create an option to use both
1) FLASH (=> if mobile device, then use HTML5+html5media)
2) HTML5 for all + html5media js

Now, I don't need this addon on my websites, so if I do it, it will be a paid addon. But if you only need a basic mp3 addon, just add the js of to your header, create a basic bbcode with some options, it will be far enough good in my opinion.

I think the question was about an actual playlist. The multi-track functionality has been described in the original post. I'm not a coder, so I'm not too sure about what you've posted above LOL.

I'm happy with the bbcode, as it suffices for my needs. I simply wanted to share it with the community, as folks had asked for it, and there was no other option...

Feel free to release your own add-on though! I'm sure there are members out there who are ready to scoop it up in a quick hurry, whether a free share or paid option. Feel free to gift me your paid version if indeed you do release one ;)
This function to mp3 attachments ????? example i upload .mp3 attachment extension and then appears in the post the player and when i play sounds the music ??? its possible ?
This function to mp3 attachments ????? example i upload .mp3 attachment extension and then appears in the post the player and when i play sounds the music ??? its possible ?
No. This bbcode requires an external url (example: input in the bbcode tags.
I'm not sure how you'd modify it to work with attachments. This might be something to request over at the Resource & Add-on Requests sub-forum ;)

When i try to install the bb bbcode_mp3.xml i get this error: Please enter a value using 250 characters or fewer.

Any solution for this? Thanks
When i try to install the bb bbcode_mp3.xml i get this error: Please enter a value using 250 characters or fewer.

Any solution for this? Thanks
Edit this file:

Search for:
                'replacementBegin'    => array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'default' => '', 'maxLength' => 250,
                'replacementEnd'    => array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'default' => '', 'maxLength' => 250,

Replace with:
                'replacementBegin'    => array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'default' => '', 'maxLength' => 7000,
                'replacementEnd'    => array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'default' => '', 'maxLength' => 7000,
Edit this file:

Search for:
                'replacementBegin'    => array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'default' => '', 'maxLength' => 250,
                'replacementEnd'    => array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'default' => '', 'maxLength' => 250,

Replace with:
                'replacementBegin'    => array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'default' => '', 'maxLength' => 7000,
                'replacementEnd'    => array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'default' => '', 'maxLength' => 7000,

I only get this now:
Click The Button Above To Play]Name[/url] of Track
Where the playbutton are it states " File Not Found".
Url to my post:
I only get this now:
Click The Button Above To Play]Name[/url] of Track
Where the playbutton are it states " File Not Found".
Url to my post:
You need to disable the autolinking.
  1. The new way: use the version 1.35 of the BBCM (I've been contacted to tell me it doesn't work sometimes but I was enable to reproduce the problem yet)
  2. The old way: install the StopAutoLinking Patch
If you're a beginner with addon installation, just use the old way at the moment at check the news in the BBCM thread.
You need to disable the autolinking.
  1. The new way: use the version 1.35 of the BBCM (I've been contacted to tell me it doesn't work sometimes but I was enable to reproduce the problem yet)
  2. The old way: install the StopAutoLinking Patch
If you're a beginner with addon installation, just use the old way at the moment at check the news in the BBCM thread.

Thank you. I am only trying to get a.mp3 file to run, so i can't be bothered with this atm.

Thanks once more.
Hi! Thanks for this mod, but I'm not able to install it!
I upgraded to th version 1.35 ,but if I try to import it as a new bbcode, this is the error I get:

Mysqli statement execute error : Data too long for column 'replacementBegin' at row 1
  1. Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_execute() in Zend/Db/Statement.php at line 297
  2. Zend_Db_Statement->execute() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 479
  3. Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 574
  4. Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->insert() in XenForo/DataWriter.php at line 1591
  5. XenForo_DataWriter->_insert() in XenForo/DataWriter.php at line 1580
  6. XenForo_DataWriter->_save() in XenForo/DataWriter.php at line 1381
  7. XenForo_DataWriter->save() in KingK/BbCodeManager/ControllerAdmin/CustomBbCodes.php at line 410
  8. KingK_BbCodeManager_ControllerAdmin_CustomBbCodes->actionImport() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 310
  9. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 132
  10. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /var/www/vhosts/ at line 13

how can I fix it? thanks!
Hi! Thanks for this mod, but I'm not able to install it!
I upgraded to th version 1.35 ,but if I try to import it as a new bbcode, this is the error I get:

how can I fix it? thanks!
I can't reproduce the problem. The replacement string is about 350 characters. That shouldn't be a problem at all. Check in phpmyadmin the type of the "replacementBegin" colomn. It should be "text"
I copy and paste your exact bb code in a post, replace the url pointing to the right track, etc .... and I always get this error saying file cannot be find.


  • Capture.webp
    5.3 KB · Views: 9
Thank you! I'll check this out, I prefer HTML 5 over flash for lots of reasons so this might be even better. Rather it have better functioning the sexyness :)
Is this add on still supported? The lack of response makes me think not :(
I never agreed to "support" the mp3 bbcode. I was asked by someone who'd seen the bbcode on my site if I would share it. So I shared it :)

The bbcode works just fine on my site as you can see at the example link. I cannot duplicate the errors you guys have experienced. So I wouldn't know what to suggest. Sorry.
Thank you! I'll check this out, I prefer HTML 5 over flash for lots of reasons so this might be even better. Rather it have better functioning the sexyness :)
Nice share.
I like your comment about "No support for this Bb Code: a problem? => you fix it"
Perhaps I should add such a disclaimer to my share LOL

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