Moving from BuddyPress Membership Site


Looking to move one of my clients from BuddyPress over to XenForo, now their site is a membership only site. What's the best method to work with WooCommerce / InfusionSoft and XenForo for subscriptions? (I know XenForo has their own subscription model) but that's not something we are looking into.

I know I can import from BuddyPress to XenForo 1.5 then upgrade to 2.0, do a WordPress link for members to XenForo, I just need to work out the managing subscriptions on both sites.

Anyone done something like this?

I wish I had some advice for you, but unfortunately I know very little about BuddyPress / WooCommerce / InfusionSoft.

I'm sure what you want to do will be possible, but it will likely require some form of custom development and perhaps someone who is familiar with the platforms you're moving from.

Looking to move one of my clients from BuddyPress over to XenForo, now their site is a membership only site. What's the best method to work with WooCommerce / InfusionSoft and XenForo for subscriptions? (I know XenForo has their own subscription model) but that's not something we are looking into.

I know I can import from BuddyPress to XenForo 1.5 then upgrade to 2.0, do a WordPress link for members to XenForo, I just need to work out the managing subscriptions on both sites.

Anyone done something like this?


Did you ever figure it out? Curious what happened.
first thing configure you db tables and collection to match xen then add or delete some tht dont match xen but my recommendation would be download the json file or db and modify it locally ... use the terminal
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