Move terms and rules into Contact Us bar


Well-known member
I have a branding free version of xenforo, so the only thing at the bottom of the board is the Terms and Rules text, hanging over to the right, which is a waste of space and looks stupid. How can I move that (and the forthcoming privacy statement) into the bottom bar that contains Contact Us, Home, Top, and so forth? Thanks.
In template 'footer' find:
<xen:hook name="footer_links_legal">
<xen:if is="{$tosUrl}"><li><a href="{$tosUrl}">{xen:phrase terms_and_rules}</a></li></xen:if>
<xen:if is="{$xenOptions.privacyPolicyUrl}"><li><a href="{$xenOptions.privacyPolicyUrl}">{xen:phrase privacy_policy}</a></li></xen:if>

select and cut

in same template somewhere at the top find:
<xen:if is="{$homeLink}"><li><a href="{$homeLink}">{xen:phrase home}</a></li></xen:if>

paste below above code

In the footer template, this is the code for the terms and privacy policy;
            <ul id="legal">
            <xen:hook name="footer_links_legal">
                <xen:if is="{$tosUrl}"><li><a href="{$tosUrl}">{xen:phrase terms_and_rules}</a></li></xen:if>
                <xen:if is="{$xenOptions.privacyPolicyUrl}"><li><a href="{$xenOptions.privacyPolicyUrl}">{xen:phrase privacy_policy}</a></li></xen:if>

Cut that from there and just a few lines up you'll see;
<span class="helper"></span>
Paste it above that and it should show it in the same bar as Contact Us etc.
Thanks to both of you. I tried the first method, and it put the words at the end of the bottom bar. I wonder what the second method would do? Also, how would I get the terms and rules text after Contact Us?
If you exclude the <u> tags it should not change the order, tried it before posting.


<li><a href="{$xenOptions.contactUrl.custom}" {xen:if {$xenOptions.contactUrl.overlay}, 'class="OverlayTrigger" data-overlayOptions="{&quot;fixed&quot;:false}"'}>{xen:phrase contact_us}</a></li>

below that, add:

<xen:hook name="footer_links_legal">
<xen:if is="{$tosUrl}"><li><a href="{$tosUrl}">{xen:phrase terms_and_rules}</a></li></xen:if>
<xen:if is="{$xenOptions.privacyPolicyUrl}"><li><a href="{$xenOptions.privacyPolicyUrl}">{xen:phrase privacy_policy}</a></li></xen:if>
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