Implemented More options for user upgrades


Well-known member
So far loving Xenforo and my upgrade system is working perfectly. I would just like to request more features.

1. A way to search users within upgrades to determine which upgrades a particular user has (Without the need of an add on)

2. A better way of sorting premium users. Right now they are just lumped together on several pages that are hard to search through.

3. A way to do an audit on a particular account to determine if they have a valid Premium upgrade or if they are stuck in a particular group for free.

Thank you for listening.
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1, 3, and 4 are in 1.4. Please make a new separate suggestion for the other one. (Single suggestion per thread makes it easier to track and gauge interest).

Thank you thats very good news. I will remove two for now and make a new thread later. thank you for your time. This is very good news indeed.
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