XF 2.2 modify begin request

i am asp.net developer
when a request started in asp.net to handle it we can use "Application_BeginRequest" event handler
how can i handle a request in xf when started
any sample code
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We have a code event called app_setup which is the earliest point at which you can inject code.

There are also events that run for specific apps, e.g. app_pub_setup for the front end and app_admin_setup for the admin control panel.

Similarly there's app_pub_start_begin and app_admin_start_begin.

You can find where these run in the code by searching the XF files for the code event names.

Our add-on tutorial in the developer docs touches upon creating code event listeners. Worth starting there to familiarise yourself with the add-on creation process before creating your own add-on:

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