XF 1.3 Moderating every post

Ron G

I'm still getting used to XenForo. Right now, every post in my forum (www.immigration-information.com) requires moderator approval. I've gone back and checked all of the node permissions and I can't find anything that is causing this behavior. Please give me suggested places to look so that I can set it so that posts will simply appear without moderation.


Have you set the option for the node, which is separate from the permissions?

Moderate all messages posted in this forum
If enabled, a moderator will have to manually approve any messages posted in this forum.
Thank you for your patience, and please pardon my ignorance, but where is the permissions analyzer?


ACP > Users > Analyze Permissions.

There's a very good Search facility built into the ACP (top left). If you ever want to find anything, just type it in there and it'll show you where it is.
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