Moderate one, approve the next

Marco Famà

Active member
Dear all,
is there any way to have a forum which has only the first message to be moderated by staff, and then all the replies which can follow are open to anyone?

- does this question sound clear? :D -

thanks for the reply Floris.
I am afraid this is related to users... but what I want is that everyone can be able to freely post something to follow up a thread after the first message has been approved.

As my forum instance has just one forum which is moderated - for job requests etc.. - I need the first post in a thread to be moderated, to prevent scams or unrelated items, but I want that everyone in the community to followup with ease and no external action (from me or admins)

Don't know if this makes a little more sense now :)

Thanks again mate
:( it's a pity it doesn't, just wanted to let you know...
I still see test messages from other users in the moderation queue

d'you think you can help or..?
Don't wanna bother you mate..
this add-on works ONLY for new threads!
all the existing posts in the mod queue won't be touched

this add-on does:

1. check if the new thread is created in an forum, which is included in the options
2. if yes, it will change the moderation status, BUT only for the new thread (the 1. post)
I guess to me it doesn't work like it should do.

See this

This is under ID 35 category, and under the ragtek First Post Moderation options, I have filled it with
which it should be the correct way to config this plugin.

However, although Test4 has been created just a few secs ago, test replies still need to be moderated :(

Anything wrong in my workflow? thanks again for your time..
Hey ragtek,

I've just downloaded the zip file from the closed resource thread. In there's a file called upload\library\Ragtek\FPM\Hashes.php, which isn't in the upload folder.

Should I that file be renamed to hashes.php and put into the upload\library\Ragtek\FPM\ directory before I upload it?
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