Moderate new members

Moderate new members [Paid] 1.6

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Well-known member
AndyB submitted a new resource:

Moderate new members - Moderates new member posts until minimum number of posts has been manually approved.

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This XF2 add-on along with the entire collection can be purchased for $35.00 USD. Your Premium upgrade will allow you to download as many XF2 add-ons as you like for one year. Please see the entire collection located in the Resources area at this URL:


Moderates new member posts until minimum number of posts has been manually approved.

(Example of moderated thread)

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I was mistaken.

I was referring to AdminCP >> Options >> Spam Management >> Maximum messages to check for spam and related settings there.

@AndyB has pointed out that Spam Management only checks posts for Akismet defined possible spam. His addon pust all new posts and threads from new members into moderation for review (I believe just for the first 5 posts to verify the member).
Is this still addon still relevant? I did installed with below setting but new members still can post messages into any threads

You have the settings wrong.

Approved threads = 0: that means anyone with zero threads approved can by pass moderation.

Approved posts =1: that's also low.

Set both to 3 or 5.
Q: Are members with a secondary user group moderated?
A: No.

Can we get an option to enable this? I want to moderate all usergroups if their post count is below the threshold
Hi Andy,

Any chance you could modify this addon to also moderate the first two private messages? Or perhaps something that triggers moderation any time a link is sent?
LOVE this add-on so much! Thanks!

I have a question about removing folks from moderation, though. I understand that they get auto-unmoderated once they achieve the number of posts. Our problem is that most of our bots are smart enough to delay posting until the 3rd or 4th post, so yeah, for them, we want to insist on five posts...

...but what about somebody who establishes themselves as a legit member on their first post? Is there any way to greenlight them to go ahead and post without moderating any further posts?
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