Not planned mobile uploads via smartphone

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can this be incorporated into a mobile style ????

You really need to explain exactly what you want. At the minute mobile uploads via a browser work perfectly (in both normal and mobile styles).

What doesn't work is integration into the operating system like Facebook has.
I want to send direct to preconfigured destination without having to login to website and all that stuff. similar to facebook quicklink mobile uploads

what are you doing when you upload to your website via your iPhone
Facebook upload like you are talking about is from an interface to the facebook application on your phone if you are referring doing it directly from your phone gallery. It would require an application being written that will run on the smartphone, interface with said OS, then an application/interface being written for a plugin for XF (like a gallery/personal page). WAAAAYYY beyond what a FORUM should be in core. Simplest solution would be as I mentioned earlier, just contract with someone to write a bridge to one of the more popular galleries, then have an app written to run on the smartphone (if you use IOS then viGallery interfaces nicely with coppermine). You see where I'm going with this?
Its already in the current style when posting. Its the "Upload a File" button when the mobile OS supports uploads.
I get the feeling he's wanting to go to his phone gallery, click on the image and then use the "Share" option to upload it to the forum. You are talking at least 2 applications (if you just count IOS/Android) that would need to be written, interfaced with those OS's then having something written for XF that will interface with that application. Unrealistic from a forum standpoint - realistic from a custom programming one. Doubt he'd want to pay what that would cost as I can see it being "rather" expensive as not many people would use it.
I get the feeling he's wanting to go to his phone gallery, click on the image and then use the "Share" option to upload it to the forum. You are talking at least 2 applications (if you just count IOS/Android) that would need to be written, interfaced with those OS's then having something written for XF that will interface with that application. Unrealistic from a forum standpoint - realistic from a custom programming one. Doubt he'd want to pay what that would cost as I can see it being "rather" expensive as not many people would use it.

YES.. that is what I want
my personal problem is that I come from the BBS world of the early 1980s .. some of you most probably not even born yet. There was no world wide web and most internet access was obtained via enrollment at a university... National Science Foundation was still in charge. ha!
BBS SysOps were very resourceful and accomplished wonders. We could do most everything remotely the same as being logged in, by sending mail messages to our boards. There would be a keyword first line of message text that would trigger processes, originator of message had to be already signed up for this service. So.. there is ALWAYS a way, just might not be so obvious.
This topic is exhausted its usefulness.

my personal problem is that I come from the BBS world of the early 1980s .. some of you most probably not even born yet. There was no world wide web and most internet access was obtained via enrollment at a university... National Science Foundation was still in charge. ha!
BBS SysOps were very resourceful and accomplished wonders. We could do most everything remotely the same as being logged in, by sending mail messages to our boards. There would be a keyword first line of message text that would trigger processes, originator of message had to be already signed up for this service. So.. there is ALWAYS a way, just might not be so obvious.
This topic is exhausted its usefulness.

Those types of BBS (and yes, I wasn't born yet) also revolved around sending out emails on every topic / reply to the reset of its members. Responding to an email with a specific title would associate them. The move to a thread/category/post based system that only sends emails upon user request has made such a system extremely ineffective, since those just needed emails to associate things. Current world bulletin systems require usernames, emails, and a topic/thread to associate information. Many of those old systems could easily link into the incoming emails, since they were designed to do that. Most forums are hosted on Shared hosting or do not have direct access to read email, making such a feature even more difficult to interact with.

If a user is already on the computer connected to the internet, the easiest (and most practical solution) is to click on a link and go directly to the thread to respond. Same thing with mobile, but that is a different beast. There are dedicated applications (I develop them) for websites to make these processes easier, but its still wholly easier to work on mobile web and native applications than to deal with email.
my personal problem is that I come from the BBS world of the early 1980s .. some of you most probably not even born yet. There was no world wide web and most internet access was obtained via
Hub6000, Net124 and was over the Dallas nodes for a while. Ran Maximus/2, Binkley/2 3 node system on a 386/33 with 4MB ram, 80meg SCSI HD with USR Dual, yeah, I remember the days. :D
REXX script from hell that monitored inbound/outbound echomail on all 3 nodes and prevented collisions of processing. BTW, Wildcat BBS sucked. :p
QuickBBS was OK, but it didn't play as well under OS/2 or DesqView.
@Tracy yes, those were defnitely the good old days. I was using 286 intel machine to run with 680 megs of memory in each of 3 DesqView DOS windows.. GTPower and PCBoard. the world wide web killed off everthing .. I am originally from Irving, Texas

@KingKovifor I was by no means suggesting that email be utilized for anything .. only that there may be less obvious solutions to a seemingly unsurmountable task. I figure I can do something at the server level.. FTP with my smartphone directly to designated folder. I have the Google Android development platform.
@KingKovifor I was by no means suggesting that email be utilized for anything .. only that there may be less obvious solutions to a seemingly unsurmountable task. I figure I can do something at the server level.. FTP with my smartphone directly to designated folder. I have the Google Android development platform.
Even at that, attachment records would need added to the database and associate them with a specific post/resource/etc...
You'd be fine then. To associate it with a post / resource /etc. as I read the original suggestion would require extra server side processing.
You'd be fine then. To associate it with a post / resource /etc. as I read the original suggestion would require extra server side processing.

that was suggested by someone else... saying that it could not be done unless it was associated with a post or resource. I just want to upload images, no logging in or entering message and the like.

smartphone has loads of FTP apps... seems like I can already EXACTLY what I want to do...
@Tracy yes, those were defnitely the good old days. I was using 286 intel machine to run with 680 megs of memory in each of 3 DesqView DOS windows.. GTPower and PCBoard. the world wide web killed off everthing .. I am originally from Irving, Texas
Yep, if I remember correctly my base 386/33 machine (at that time was state of the art) cost around $3000 as I configured it. Then add the $1097 for each modem and the three dedicated phone lines and it added up REAL quick. Thanks be for the USR SysOps program.
UPDATE: I installed FTP Cafe on my motorola droid razr maxx.... I can now go to my gallery and share an image directly to FTP Cafe. YESSSS

Check mobile uloads for image where we were at WGN Studios in Chicago, Darth Vader had us under house arrest for a short while. peace
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