MicroDownloads [Deleted]

When i update this is will not match the commercial version so there will be a backup system added
so that you can backup the info to an xml file then import this in the new version,
so that you want lose any files you have already added.

As to the next release of this downloads manager i cannot say as of yet as im trying to work on 5 other projects at this time.
to add more default usergroups you will need to edit the file library/MicroDownloads/Model find this line of code on 376
$UserGroup = '3,'.$UserGroup;

and add the extra usergroups like so

$UserGroup = '3,4,'.$UserGroup;

this will add the mods to the usergoups.

The commercial version will be able to choose multipul groups.
It doesn't work in the free version - please help me :)
Will I have the same problem in the paid version?
If no, then I will buy the "paid" version :)

The usergroup option in the commecial version is very different to this free version.
And works great this will be added to the free version but will take abit of time as iv just released a new version of the commercial one
Im sorry to say that for the time being there will be no support,
the reason for this is my grandad has just passed away this afternoon.

As to the time he has passed leaves us without a final resting day till the new year.

As for the support to my scripts will be limited to none till i get over this loss in the family.

Im sorry for this but its something that cannot be for seen.

Removed a file through the AdminCP now getting the following error:

Server Error

Undefined index: message
  1. XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() in MicroDownloads/Model/MicroDownloads.php at line 452
  2. MicroDownloads_Model_MicroDownloads->getLastviewed() in MicroDownloads/ControllerPublic/index.php at line 58
  3. MicroDownloads_ControllerPublic_index->actionIndex() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 310
  4. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 132
  5. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/oldrdev/public_html/index.php at line 13

Using version 1.0.2b on XF 1.1.2
Removed a file through the AdminCP now getting the following error:

Server Error

Undefined index: message
XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() in MicroDownloads/Model/MicroDownloads.php at line 452
MicroDownloads_Model_MicroDownloads->getLastviewed() in MicroDownloads/ControllerPublic/index.php at line 58
MicroDownloads_ControllerPublic_index->actionIndex() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 310
XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 132
XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/oldrdev/public_html/index.php at line 13

Using version 1.0.2b on XF 1.1.2
I'm getting the same error.
Hi can I upload new title, categories, descriptions etc, via csv file for the free version - if so do you have an expample file.
Can I link the downloads to another area of our website as the docs are stored in a different area and I dont want to duplicate?
Hi can I upload new title, categories, descriptions etc, via csv file for the free version - if so do you have an expample file.
Can I link the downloads to another area of our website as the docs are stored in a different area and I dont want to duplicate?
the free version cannot import any items.
you can set the file path within the admincp so keeping all your files within the same folder you have already.
When adding a file you can put the file url to the file you have on your site so keeping everything where it is.

The free version does not have every thing the commercial version has but is usable.
Hi can I upload new title, categories, descriptions etc, via csv file for the free version - if so do you have an expample file.
Can I link the downloads to another area of our website as the docs are stored in a different area and I dont want to duplicate?
But I can do all this in he paid version?
But I can do all this in the paid version ?
Do you have a XML upload sample file so I can follow the format? I'm only a basic, play at it, programmer :)

Also on the paid version how do i hide Powered by MicroDownloads® Version 1.1.5
Copyright © 2012 xfgeek.com. All rights reserved at the bottom of the pages?
I have logged into your site to buy but I still cant buy (I am an authorised xenforo user) :(
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