message_user_info - Moving fields onto same line as label?


Well-known member
Does anyone know how I can change message_user_info so that "Message Count" and "1,234" are on the same line without a carriage return?

I tried this, but then the # of posts loses it's styling and just looks like the phrase "Message Count".

<dl class="pairsInline">
<dt>{xen:phrase member_since}: {xen:date $user.register_date}</dt>
<dl class="pairsInline">
<dt style="display: inline;">{xen:phrase member_since}:</dt>
<dd style="display: inline;">{xen:date $user.register_date}</dd>

If it's just that one piece of info you want like that, then the above will achieve it.

Alternatively, we can add something in EXTRA.css to make it a global change for all elements in the message_user_info.
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