Merry Christmas


to you all :D
Merry Christmas!!

To all the Xenforo staff, add-on developers, stylists, and my fellow users. One of the bright spots of 2020 for me was getting 2.2 and starting to delve more into styling myself. Here's to a 2021 that's better and brighter for all (low bar, I know)!
Hi all, just wanted to take a minute to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, but most of all good health!
These days people don't spend much time or thought on some personal words to their friends and family, they just copy and paste some random post they've seen somewhere and send it on.
So, after all we've been though together this year I wanted to thank you for your friendship and wish you a Happy 2018!
You are the best gymnastics group anyone could ask for.
Best wishes, Brenda
Happy holidays and Merry Christmas to all.

If only XF would install my cupids arrow add-on here, just for a day, so I can show my love to this community by slapping you all around with a turkey on this festive day.
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