XF 1.4 Merge sidebar block "members online" with "whohasvisited last 24h"


Well-known member
Hello guys,

I know there is a template modification to merge members online block with staff online but I want to merge sidebar block "members online" with "whohasvisited last 24h".

Is this possible?
Hello thanks but I have this now "see att."
I have Widget Framework but no widget for online user or something else added or present so I don't understand...

Another issue, ok with CSS, I forgot to add it to remove lines like "last visit",... but what about rich text cause everything is black?



  • Capture d’écran 2015-03-07 à 00.31.10.webp
    Capture d’écran 2015-03-07 à 00.31.10.webp
    79.7 KB · Views: 5
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