Merge "Members Online" and "Forum Statistics" sidebar blocks


Active member
I am trying to minimise the need to scroll up & down so much on my site, and to that end am trying to tidy up my sidebar.

Is it possible to merge the "Members Online Now" block with the "Forum Statistics" block? I currently use [bd] Widget Framework to present these in a tabbed block, but I would rather do away with the tabs and just display it like this:


Can anyone help?

Thanks. :)
Copy n paste the info in your forum statistics block then put that somewhere at the bottom of your sidebar online users block. Then comment out your original forum statistics block.
Copy n paste the info in your forum statistics block then put that somewhere at the bottom of your sidebar online users block.
I tried that; I inserted the code from forum_list:

<!-- block: forum_stats -->
<div class="section">
<div class="secondaryContent statsList" id="boardStats">
<h3>{xen:phrase forum_statistics}</h3>
<div class="pairsJustified">
<dl class="discussionCount"><dt>{xen:phrase discussions}:</dt>
<dd>{xen:number $boardTotals.discussions}</dd></dl>
<dl class="messageCount"><dt>{xen:phrase messages}:</dt>
<dd>{xen:number $boardTotals.messages}</dd></dl>
<dl class="memberCount"><dt>{xen:phrase members_count}:</dt>
<dd>{xen:number $boardTotals.users}</dd></dl>
<dl><dt>{xen:phrase latest_member}:</dt>
<dd><xen:username user="$boardTotals.latestUser" /></dd></dl>
<!-- slot: forum_stats_extra -->
<!-- end block: forum_stats --> the sidebar_online_users template, but it presented them as two separate blocks. I tried inserting the code insider the main div in aforementioned template, but it still presented them as two separate blocks, albeit with no space between them.

I thought I'd ask here as, even if I did manage to figure it out, I'm not sure I'd do it in the best/most compliant way (i.e. I might break something with a stray div, due to my lacking of coding skills), so I was hoping for a definitive answer from someone who knows their way round templates/styling/PHP! ;)
Maybe that's because you used two div class sections. Enclose both into one.
Yeah, that was the point of me asking; I am not a coder, and I had played around with it and couldn't get the results I want - hence asking here!

I have finally got it to look OK, using the below in sidebar_online_users:

<!-- block: sidebar_online_users -->
<div class="section membersOnline userList">
<div class="secondaryContent">
<h3><a href="{xen:link online}" title="{xen:phrase see_all_online_users}">{xen:phrase members_online_now}</a></h3>
<xen:if is="{$onlineUsers.records}">
<xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id}">
<xen:if hascontent="true">
<h4 class="minorHeading"><a href="{xen:link account/following}">{xen:phrase people_you_follow}:</a></h4>
<ul class="followedOnline">
<xen:foreach loop="$onlineUsers.records" value="$user">
<xen:if is="{$user.followed}">
<li title="{$user.username}" class="Tooltip"><xen:avatar user="$user" size="s" img="true" class="_plainImage" /></li>
<h4 class="minorHeading"><a href="{xen:link members}">{xen:phrase members}:</a></h4>
<ol class="listInline">
<xen:foreach loop="$onlineUsers.records" value="$user" i="$i">
<xen:if is="{$i} <= {$onlineUsers.limit}">
<xen:if is="{$user.user_id}">
<a href="{xen:link members, $user}"
class="username{xen:if '!{$user.visible}', ' invisible'}{xen:if {$user.followed}, ' followed'}">{$user.username}</a><xen:if is="{$i} < {$onlineUsers.limit}">,</xen:if>
<xen:else />
{xen:phrase guest}<xen:if is="{$i} < {$onlineUsers.limit}">,</xen:if>
<xen:if is="{$onlineUsers.recordsUnseen}">
<li class="moreLink">... <a href="{xen:link online}" title="{xen:phrase see_all_visitors}">{xen:phrase and_x_more, 'count={xen:number $onlineUsers.recordsUnseen}'}</a></li>
<div class="footnote">
{xen:phrase online_now_x_members_y_guests_z, 'total={xen:number $}', 'members={xen:number $onlineUsers.members}', 'guests={xen:number $onlineUsers.guests}'}
<!-- block: forum_stats -->
<h3>{xen:phrase forum_statistics}</h3>
<div class="pairsJustified">
<dl class="discussionCount"><dt>{xen:phrase discussions}:</dt>
<dd>{xen:number $boardTotals.discussions}</dd></dl>
<dl class="messageCount"><dt>{xen:phrase messages}:</dt>
<dd>{xen:number $boardTotals.messages}</dd></dl>
<dl class="memberCount"><dt>{xen:phrase members_count}:</dt>
<dd>{xen:number $boardTotals.users}</dd></dl>
<dl><dt>{xen:phrase latest_member}:</dt>
<dd><xen:username user="$boardTotals.latestUser" /></dd></dl>
<!-- slot: forum_stats_extra -->
<!-- end block: forum_stats -->
<!-- end block: sidebar_online_users -->

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
Yeah, that was the point of me asking; I am not a coder, and I had played around with it and couldn't get the results I want - hence asking here!

I have finally got it to look OK, using the below in sidebar_online_users:

<!-- block: sidebar_online_users -->
<div class="section membersOnline userList">
<div class="secondaryContent">
<h3><a href="{xen:link online}" title="{xen:phrase see_all_online_users}">{xen:phrase members_online_now}</a></h3>
<xen:if is="{$onlineUsers.records}">
<xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id}">
<xen:if hascontent="true">
<h4 class="minorHeading"><a href="{xen:link account/following}">{xen:phrase people_you_follow}:</a></h4>
<ul class="followedOnline">
<xen:foreach loop="$onlineUsers.records" value="$user">
<xen:if is="{$user.followed}">
<li title="{$user.username}" class="Tooltip"><xen:avatar user="$user" size="s" img="true" class="_plainImage" /></li>
<h4 class="minorHeading"><a href="{xen:link members}">{xen:phrase members}:</a></h4>
<ol class="listInline">
<xen:foreach loop="$onlineUsers.records" value="$user" i="$i">
<xen:if is="{$i} <= {$onlineUsers.limit}">
<xen:if is="{$user.user_id}">
<a href="{xen:link members, $user}"
class="username{xen:if '!{$user.visible}', ' invisible'}{xen:if {$user.followed}, ' followed'}">{$user.username}</a><xen:if is="{$i} < {$onlineUsers.limit}">,</xen:if>
<xen:else />
{xen:phrase guest}<xen:if is="{$i} < {$onlineUsers.limit}">,</xen:if>
<xen:if is="{$onlineUsers.recordsUnseen}">
<li class="moreLink">... <a href="{xen:link online}" title="{xen:phrase see_all_visitors}">{xen:phrase and_x_more, 'count={xen:number $onlineUsers.recordsUnseen}'}</a></li>
<div class="footnote">
{xen:phrase online_now_x_members_y_guests_z, 'total={xen:number $}', 'members={xen:number $onlineUsers.members}', 'guests={xen:number $onlineUsers.guests}'}
<!-- block: forum_stats -->
<h3>{xen:phrase forum_statistics}</h3>
<div class="pairsJustified">
<dl class="discussionCount"><dt>{xen:phrase discussions}:</dt>
<dd>{xen:number $boardTotals.discussions}</dd></dl>
<dl class="messageCount"><dt>{xen:phrase messages}:</dt>
<dd>{xen:number $boardTotals.messages}</dd></dl>
<dl class="memberCount"><dt>{xen:phrase members_count}:</dt>
<dd>{xen:number $boardTotals.users}</dd></dl>
<dl><dt>{xen:phrase latest_member}:</dt>
<dd><xen:username user="$boardTotals.latestUser" /></dd></dl>
<!-- slot: forum_stats_extra -->
<!-- end block: forum_stats -->
<!-- end block: sidebar_online_users -->

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.


Does anyone know how to realize it via Widget Framework?

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