Fixed Media in approval queue assumes it is in an album


Well-known member
Affected version
The header phrase shown for media in the approval queue links to an album - even when the media is in a category.


Checking the template approval_item_xfmg_media - approval_queue_macros - item_message_type ... from line 24 we can see that the header phrase which generates the message above assumes it is an album and attempts to link to it - thus generating an invalid link for a media item in a category.

    arg-headerPhraseHtml="{{ phrase('xfmg_media_x_posted_in_album_y', {
        'mediaLink': link('media', $content),
        'mediaTitle': $content.title,
        'albumLink': link('media/albums', $content.Album),
        'albumTitle': $content.Album.title
    }) }}"

The HTML generated is literally as follows:

posted in album <a href="/media/albums/"></a>
Thank you for reporting this issue. It has now been resolved and we are aiming to include it in a future XFMG release (2.1.1).

Change log:
Allow unapproved media items to reflect whether they are from an album or a category.
Any changes made as a result of this issue being resolved may not be rolled out here until later.
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