MG 2.1 Media Gallery Privacy


Well-known member
I tried to play with every which permission as well as get into the database in order to change a private album without privledges to add media from others into a public album where anyone can add photos. However, it seems that the permissions of privacy carry over and are not fixable on the UI.

I tried many database fixes to attempt this, but, to no avail.

First one was this:
| album_id | category_id | album_hash                       | title | description | create_date | last_update_date | media_item_cache | view_privacy | view_users | add_privacy | add_users | album_state | user_id | username | ip_id | reaction_score | reactions | reaction_users | media_count | view_count | rating_count | rating_sum | rating_avg | rating_weighted | comment_count | last_comment_date | warning_id | warning_message | default_order | thumbnail_date | custom_thumbnail_date | last_comment_id | last_comment_user_id | last_comment_username |
|        1 |           1 | 4ac41b65966140ca643f624e16acf7eb | Abc   | Abc         |  1576660656 |                0 | [3]              | private      | []         | private     | []        | visible     |       1 | admin    |   126 |              0 | []        | []             |           1 |          5 |            0 |          0 |          0 |               0 |             0 |                 0 |          0 |                 |               |     1576660656 |                     0 |               0 |                    0 |                       |

I tried changing add_privacy to members like other public galleries, but no go.

Then, I got into another table and found this:

| album_id | category_id | album_hash                       | title                            | description                                                                                                            | create_date | last_update_date | media_item_cache                                                                  | view_privacy | view_users | add_privacy | add_users | album_state | user_id | username      | ip_id | reaction_score | reactions | reaction_users | media_count | view_count | rating_count | rating_sum | rating_avg | rating_weighted | comment_count | last_comment_date | warning_id | warning_message | default_order | thumbnail_date | custom_thumbnail_date | last_comment_id | last_comment_user_id | last_comment_username |
|        2 |           0 | a5e68eaac8db6e5a27041ab6c8bab5ff | X's Album                        | Misc. pictures uploaded by the XXXXXXX account for the mere purpose of examples or demonstrations.                     |  1546195185 |                0 | [10]                                                                              | members      | []         | private     | []        | visible     |       1 | Okinawa       |   206 |              0 | []        | []             |           1 |         14 |            0 |          0 |          0 |               0 |             0 |                 0 |          0 |                 |               |     1568764713 |                     0 |               0 |                    0 | -                     |
|        3 |           2 | ea3516ae88c7d0ffe742163b3a1498e0 | X2                               | X2                                                                                                                     |  1546420043 |                0 | [83,82,81,80,77,76,75,74,73,72,71,70,69,68,67,65,64,63,62,61]                     | inherit      | []         | private     | []        | visible     |      16 | Travels       |   308 |              0 | []        | []             |          50 |        396 |            0 |          0 |          0 |               0 |             0 |                 0 |          0 |                 |               |     1568764713 |                     0 |               0 |                    0 | -                     |

And tried public, members, inherit, etc.

But it seems like whatever I try, I can't get someone's private album to move into a public category (by their ability to move it) and it allow pictures to be uploaded if they didn't change the privacy themselves before doing so.
Only the album owner can add media into a category album.
I think I understand now after going through albums. A category can have anything added, but an album can't. I suppose I'll make a suggestion instead as there are 2 statements in the sidebar that are throwing me off.
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