media gallery issue: you comment on a photo, get alerts for everyone else that comments?


Active member
Hi, in media alert preferences, I do not see a way for my users to disable alerts coming from the media commenting areas. The scenario is:

user A goes into another members image, posts a comment..
user B, C, D, E views the image and comments as well
user A gets annoying alerts when user B, C, D, E also comment on the image.

My users do want alerts on their own stuff, but not 50 alerts regarding someone else's image they happened to comment in. The only options I see are:

Screen Shot 2018-06-13 at 11.36.34 AM.webp

Thanks for any help or pointing me to a resource that could end this.
They probably have their options set to automatically watch media they comment on. They can just switch that off and stop watching the media to stop the alerts.
Yeah, in XFMG 1 I think the automatically watch stuff is combined. We separated it in XFMG 2.

Your users will just have to weigh up what is less annoying; manually watching content they've added or manually unwatching content they've interacted with.
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