Media Configuration Options Missing from Left Hand Menu

Just did a local install/upgrade and noticed that the Media Gallery config options are missing from the left hand menu. I need to add Categories - Am I looking in the right place to do this? Resources is there......

I still cant see that detailed permissions panel in the admin.php?admins/

Screen Shot 2019-12-19 at 08.51.56.webp
This is is what i see when I have selected one of the admins to edit (who is already a super administrator) - where is the "permissions" tab selected from?
Screen Shot 2019-12-19 at 08.40.38.png
Regards and thanks,
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Enable the Regular administrator option and the permissions will appear.

Then check the missing permissions, toggle it back to super administrator, and save.
Great, that worked. I want to set up an admin account just for handling media categories. By saving that user as admin with the media permission (not super admin) that seems to do the trick.
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