Fixed max_input_vars errors silently hidden


We hit a problem using the plugin User Ranked Ribbons, with the new version it added more ribbon options to the style control panel, this broke saving of the style group properties. After digging around the problem is cause by xenForo's _getInputFromSerialized method which reads in a large block of text from _xfStylePropertiesData into standard php input vars.

This would be fine but the exact call is:-
$_input = $this->_getInputFromSerialized('_xfStylePropertiesData', false)

This causes the method to hide the exception thrown in php > 5.3.9 due to excessive input vars which in turn bins all of the data and corrupts the settings.

1. Should _getInputFromSerialized ever catch this error as doing so will cause data loss unless every caller is updated to fail safe?
2. If it does catch it, it should always be logged so the issue is easily trackable.
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