I have a wonderful bbCode with a calculation.
When I use snippet the bbCode-function is not working.
a)Is there a chance to tell snippet not to touch this specific bbCode?
b)Is there a chance to add char after a certain bb-Code?
b]This is a titel[/b
Haha, this is a text
A snippet looks like
This is a titel Haha, this is a text
Really ugly! It should be
This is a titel - Haha, this is a text
Means, I need a " - " after the b]Titel[/b <=
When I use snippet the bbCode-function is not working.
a)Is there a chance to tell snippet not to touch this specific bbCode?
b)Is there a chance to add char after a certain bb-Code?
b]This is a titel[/b
Haha, this is a text
A snippet looks like
This is a titel Haha, this is a text
Really ugly! It should be
This is a titel - Haha, this is a text
Means, I need a " - " after the b]Titel[/b <=