Sounds like they are "Trial" members ?
Newbies ?
You might just manually make a Members page ? and hide the useless one Xenforo currently has.
Yes it's a lot about new members. I have edited the memberslist quite a bit so it shows more info.
But I don't know how to limit who sees it or who displays on it.
I agree the default version is very underdeveloped. There's real scope for a good Memberslist Manager addon.
1. Add Joined + Date (as I have)
2. Add Last Visited + Date (as I have)
3 Add Custom Field data eg Location (as I have)
4. Add Start Convo button under the Avatar. (as I have)
5. Add Search buttons top and bottom for pre-selected usergroups.
6. Hide selected usergroup/s (admin option)
7. Disable selected usergroup from seeing Memberlist.
8. Disable selected usergroups from Conversation with other members except Admins/ Mods. This isn't strictly the Memberlist but it fits with the approach and if the Memberlist can have Convo buttons on it fits even more.
Then if newcomer clicks a Convo button they get message "You do not have the membership rights yet to contact a member individually but you can contact [the admin] for help if you like."
9. Just to get dreamy I want an alternate memberlist so admin only can see a different memberlist of usergroups not shown on the standard one. Button at top/ bottom of frontend standard memberlist to open it/ button to return to standard one. Link to add to Members dropdown on navbar.
10. To complete my happiness admin option to add boxes to a memberlist listing which can be admin edited on the frontend as a textbox, or tickbox. Content not viewable except by admin or mod. Ive had this on another forum software with small js link to Edit so I know it can be done.