XF 1.3 making a xenforo website work offline please help

Ian S

Active member
hi all, we have recently started to build a new site which runs xf 1.3.0, ive read the instructions in this link and ive got 80% threw, but I want to run a backup of the site offline, ive taken a complete ftp backup from the site and new to know where I new to redirect the link to work the site offline and not to install xf

ive got all the zampp control panel setup and I have a complete ftp backup I wanted to try add ons offline before we go live, im not a complete newbie just abit out of touch all help and advice is greatly appreciated thanx
nope not working
View attachment 93566

In windows, you really won't get much results with \ and / in your file path, \ is correct for a Windows file path

Go here with your browser, if your attachments show up this is the correct URI


if it is correct you should put the following in the attachments directory field

I had a typo in there, try that...

that worked in both ways now its now finding another error

The controller XenForo_ControllerAdmin_Import does not define an action called RetrieveLog.

when i try and retrive the archived log in the xf db which is there as i did a partial import already
god after all that i still cant do what i set out to do, thanks everyone for the help at worse i suppose i could do a full import like this, ill ask on jon wandigos thread

thanks again guys(y)(y)
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