Lack of interest Make rebuilding caches faster

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Well-known member
I have uninstalled a few old add-ons that I disabled once and didn't need anymore, and it took me approx. 5 minutes for each add-on, That's simply too long for my taste. Please if it's possible, try to speed up the cache building process in the next xenforo release. Thanks.
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Yes it's the same delay on my local installation and my live websites. The big difference is if you have many child themes... In this case if your host doesn't have a lot memory, it will be super slow... and might create some errors. Now I just get used to wait. In fact if the rebuilding cache process could take a little much time but less memory I will be happy ;)
Bad Host, Look for a decent Hosting.

The whole process is slow depending on the number of templates that need to be recompiled (they are the worst offenders) so is dependant on the number of styles you have. I host my own site on my own servers and rebuilding templates is horrible.
For memory, yes it has ^^
Thanks to my host limitation, I'm sure of this ;)
You can check if there is a difference yourself => go to XenForo options, TMS has a few options here.
For memory, yes it has ^^
Thanks to my host limitation, I'm sure of this ;)
You can check if there is a difference yourself => go to XenForo options, TMS has a few options here.
No, the host limitation is there due to how TMS rebuilds the templates, ie all in one go or using a slightly slower method. XF will still compile and take a while to rebuild templates based on the number of styles and how fast your processor is, it is a single threaded build process.
No, the host limitation is there due to how TMS rebuilds the templates, ie all in one go or using a slightly slower method. XF will still compile and take a while to rebuild templates based on the number of styles and how fast your processor is, it is a single threaded build process.
May be if you have a large amount of memory, but for one of my website I had to uncheck "Compile templates on modification save and switch". It helps me now to disable addon very fast. I just need to rebuild templates manually. If I didn't do that, I had an memory error when I simply disabled an addon. But if I separate the both operations, it works without any problems.
Noticing this myself today, I have about 25 addons installed, which I need to remove prior to upgrading to XF 1.2

Each one is taking about 2 minutes to remove after clicking uninstall.

It's on a super fast dedicated too
That addon I think is no longer available. I really think there has got to be a better way to rebuild all caches when you install / uninstall an addon.

When you have 10 Styles (And no I cannot remove them) as we use 1 XenForo Installation for a multi-client system that we have modified and designed.

We have 23,000+ Phrases in the Master Phrases, over 1,000 templates (that includes xenforo's). And Spanish which basically doubles the phrases.

To add a single addon or UPDATE an addon, it takes more than 25 minutes to 40 minutes just to wait to update all that.

Our system will do nothing but grow and eventually we will be adding more languages. So a more faster addon cache rebuild, and phrases/templates will be a big need. As well installation / update speed for heavy tasks.

I have already begun making an Advance AddOn System that I really think could help speed up the cache of the installation.

But the part that is crazy is to rebuild the templates, phrases, admin templates, email templates etc.
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