XF 1.2 Make attached images display like Photobucket


I'm stuck again. I try to discourage photobucket on the forum but currently I have attached images displaying as thumbnails that open the lightbox, while photobucket images show full size and are nicely resized by the responsive css. So Photobucket images look better and take much less time to look at! I don't want to be encouraging members to host images on that site.

How do I get the attachments to display full size like the linked images? Or are there tricks to make the attached images blow externally hosted images out of the water?
I've attached one. The top image is an attachment imported from vB3. It's a funny size and I've fiddled with thumbnail sizes a bit so it doesn't quite work. The one after is Photobucket.

Ideally I'd like to import images from vB3 so they show like they did over there. I can import over again - this is only a test site.

If they were inline attachments in vB, the importer should have dealt with them as far as I am aware.

How does the actual code show in vB in a post?
I fiddled around with the vB3 code but it should be operating as intended:

            I put together a <a href="http://www.renault4.co.uk/paint-codes.htm" target="_blank">paint code page</a> a while ago, but the colours were photographed from a paint chart and didn't come out very well.  I'd like to replace those colour tabs with pictures of real cars.  <br />
<br />
If you know the colour code for your car and could post a photo of it I'd be most grateful.

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                <fieldset class="fieldset">
                    <legend>Attached Images</legend>
                    <div style="padding:3px">
                    <img class="attach" src="attachment.php?attachmentid=2328&amp;stc=1&amp;d=1239468563" border="0" alt="" />&nbsp;




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            Paint code 355 Artic White<br />
<br />
<img src="http://i483.photobucket.com/albums/rr195/ggcton/Renault4GTL005.jpg" border="0" alt="" /><br />
<br />

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