XF 1.5 Lost access by a staffie


Recently, we made a supermod of a member (all our mods are super, figuratively and actually) but somehow he's lost access to two subforums. I've tried all the tricks I can think of short of demoting and starting over. He can see all moderator functions, just cannot see those two subforums. I add, both of those subforums are restricted to registered members, and he was able to see them before promotion. A clue, please.
I think you are aware of this also but it's important to note that you can't just add someone to the moderator usergroup and expect that to function the same as if you use the 'create new moderator' button - moderator and administrator are both special sets that allow unique permission sets in addition to the usergroup permissions. You will see this when you go to add a new mod and there are check boxes for permissions, many of these seem to be duplicates of the actual permission sets that you might assign to the "moderator" usergroup. I believe the purpose for this is to allow certain moderators access to additional functions if desired. @Mike is that correct? I think this is a lesser discussed feature (the mod/admin check box permissions)
- that gets "stuck" and will narrow the results down to only that user

Yeppers "stuck" is applicable. Starting fresh from "Home" did not help. So stuck that I'm going to log out of the ACP and take another try later. If you guys are getting the impression I don't have a clue, well, that would be correct.
Clarification to the above post: if you are on the "List All Users" screen and type in something to narrow down the list, there is an oddity whereby whatever you type into this list will stay typed into that field after you go Search for Users and then perform a search. I don't know why this doesn't auto-clear but it just doesn't. You have to click the "clear" button so that nothing is populating that field for the next time you go to search something, even if that is a different "pathway" because the results screen for Search for Users is the same screen as List All Users, so for some reason, it remembers what you type there.
Guys, thank you for all so far. I have to do some study and see what I've missed along the way, so will pull back for a while. With a nod to FRT, the "clear" will be among the first thing I test when I get back into it.
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