David Harper
My developer just updated our XF to 1.5.6 at www.bionicturtle.com/forum and it's working great except he could not get Elasticsearch enabled. He is not really familiar with Xenforo/elastic search ....
I am looking to hire somebody to review our installation, see if they can identify any improvements, and enable the Elasticsearch (if that's advisable; for example, would https://xenforo.com/community/resources/advanced-search.3781/ be better?). Basically, an "audit" by somebody proficient .... Thanks for any help!
I am looking to hire somebody to review our installation, see if they can identify any improvements, and enable the Elasticsearch (if that's advisable; for example, would https://xenforo.com/community/resources/advanced-search.3781/ be better?). Basically, an "audit" by somebody proficient .... Thanks for any help!